December 21, 2012, the world will end. At least that is the theory that many scientists have according to planetary alignment, the winter solstice, and the Mayan calendar. Like most of you when hearing when the world will end, I am skeptical. I personally think that humans can never predict when the world will end, and that this whole 2012 thing is kind of crazy. However, I will give you the facts and the theories behind this current doomsday theory. I first heard about the theory of 2012 on TV I was watching a special on it and it got me interested, so I decided to do this speech on it and then I did some research on the topic. There are three main theories that back up the thought of the end of the world in 2012, the winter solstice, the Mayan calendar, and the predictions of Nostradamus.
NASA predicts that December 21, 2012 the winter solstice will occur. This is when the gradual lengthening nights and shortening days happens. The difference between this solstice and a normal one is that this solstice is happening exactly as the sun is aligning with a black hole in the Milky Way. This only happens once in 13,000 years, so this happening will be a very significant event. When the solstice occurs, the magnetic poles of the earth actually switch and that might have drastic effects on the earth as we know it. But to me this seems useless considering this happens every year. As for relevance of the alignment of the sun the Milky Way and the black hole, it is just a coincidence that has happened before and will happen again in 13,000 years.
There is another theory proving the world will end on December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar ends. The Mayans were very astrological people, they believed highly in the stars had many gods in the sky. They also kept a very precise calendar; the Mayan calendar was more accurate than the calendar that we use today. The Mayans had people devoted to just following the calendar and making sure it was aligned with the stars.
The Mayan calendar was based on periods of 5,125.36 years. The last date in the Mayan calendar just happens to be December 21, 2012. This means that this very accurate calendar that has been correct hundreds of years after their civilization has been wiped out, so it seems odd when it suddenly ends. Some Mayan scholars claim that the Mayan calendar is like the odometer on your car, after it passes nine, the next number goes up 1 and then it goes back to zero. This means after one cycle ends another begins.
But that’s not all, there is a man named Nostradamus who is said to have predicted the Great Fire of London, the rise of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler. He is also credited with the predictions of 9/11 and Y2K, and now his latest prediction, doomsday 2012. The belief is that he actually predicted that the world would end around the year 3797, and that was an interpretation of a letter Nostradamus wrote to his son.
All of these prophesy are based on books he wrote in the 15 hundreds making predictions in forms of poems. In reality, this man never actually predicted anything tangible; all of his predictions are very vague and can be openly interpreted. Nowhere did he say exact dates of anything that was going to happen, every thing is false interpretations made after the incident occurred.
So in conclusion, on December 21, 2012, the poles of the earth will switch, the Mayan calendar will end, and any prediction made by Nostradamus saying the world will end will be proven false, and the world will go on as normal.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The End of the World? Really?
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Viladecans: Carles Ruiz Novella, Corrupción y trafico de drogas
ReplyDeleteHace ya varios años que el alcalde de Viladecans, Carles Ruiz Novella, junto a su policía local tiene un negocio muy prospero montado a costa de la salud de los ciudadanos: las discotecas afterhour.
Los únicos 3 afterhour que existen en toda la provincia de Barcelona están localizados en el municipio de Viladecans. Los 3 locales (Row14, Souvenir y Merci del grupo Matinee ) provocan molestias muy graves de contaminación acústica a los vecinos que habitan en los alrededores. La música a un volumen ensordecedor no termina hasta pasadas las 12:00 del mediodía, de Jueves a Lunes.
Dichos locales tienen una larga historia de delitos de trafico de drogas, y en su interior ha habido múltiples intoxicaciones por drogas e incluso muerte por sobredosis.
El público que asiste a estos locales de drogas Row14, Souvenir y Merci del grupo Matinee necesita desplazarse en automóvil ya que no hay transporte público cercano. Los jóvenes drogados y alcoholizados que llevan a veces 48 horas sin dormir se sientan al volante y se mezclan con el tráfico del Domingo en el autovía de Castelldefels.
El alcalde de Viladecans, Carles Ruiz Novella, permite esta peligrosa actividad, la cual atenta contra todas las normativas dictadas por la Generalitat. La policía local de Viladecans hace oídos sordos a las quejas de los vecinos y desestima cualquier intervención, a pesar de conocer los riesgos para la salud de los vecinos y el público que a ellas asiste.
Es simplemente vergonzoso que el Sr. Alcalde corrupto de Viladecans, Carles Ruiz Novella, haga la vista gorda con estos locales y permita su funcionamiento, infringiendo todo tipo de normativas. No se conoce con exactitud la cantidad de dinero que abonan los propietarios de estos locales al alcalde para que este no actúe contra ellos, pero hay indicios de que pueden ser más de 500.000 Euros anuales. Es un bonito sobre sueldo para el Sr. Carles Ruiz Novella pero el precio que paga la ciudadanía es muy alto.
Hope this is not going to happen!
ReplyDeleteNo it won't end yet. Too many prophecies must be fulfilled first.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of them...
The woman of Rev 12 is now here. She is not a church, she is not Israel, and she is not Mary. She is the prophet like unto Moses and Elijah Matt 17:3, Acts 3:21-23, Luke 1:17 delivering the true word John 1:1 from the wilderness Rev 12:6 to prepare a people for the Lord’s return. God our Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer7:31, Jer 19:5. Turn your heart to the children of God. A gift is now delivered to the whole world as a witness Matt 24:14. Prove all things.